Who are we?

We are a consulting services firm specialized in the integration of sustainability into the strategy of organizations. Our objective is to support organizations in their evolution towards what is beginning to be called stakeholder capitalism. We call it Development with Meaning.


Las organizaciones que desarrollan su actividad Con Sentido, “asegurando el crecimiento armónico de las personas, entorno y organizaciones que colaboran con ella”, generan rentabilidad a la vez que construyen relaciones de confianza que son la clave para asegurar su rentabilidad futura.

We have a Vision that inspires us because we firmly believe in it. We summarize it as: “The virtuous circle of Growth with Meaning”.

Organizations that develop their activity Con sentido (with meaning), “ensuring the harmonious growth of the people, environment and organizations that collaborate with it”, generate profitability while building relationships of trust that are the key to ensure their future profitability.


Nuestra Misión es “Impulsar el Desarrollo con Sentido actuando como ejemplo y ejerciendo influencia a través de nuestros proyectos y de las relaciones con las personas, empresas e instituciones con las que nos relacionamos para que avancen en la generación de impacto social y ambiental positivo en su cadena de valor”.

Our Mission is “To promote Development with Meaning, acting as an example and exerting influence through our projects and relationships with the people, companies and institutions we work with, so that they can advance in the generation of positive social and environmental impact in their value chain”.

Our projects and relationships are the vehicle for generating influence and impact on the organizations and people with whom we collaborate and, indirectly, on society.

Conese will ensure the generation of a positive social impact for society, its stakeholders and the environment

Conese's Bylaws

Our values

Decision-making in consulting projects presents dilemmas that could divert our purpose. The conviction and fulfillment of our values allow us to align the decisions of Conese’s professionals with the company’s purpose.


Transparency is the basis of the relationships between the people who are part of Conese and the people with whom we interact, whether they are clients or collaborators. We share relevant information in an honnest manner, so that all our stakeholders can make informed decisions regarding their relationships with Conese.


We are “people who connect with people” and we do it by trying to empathize and understand their needs. Engaging with our collaborators and clients beyond the requirements of the projects is part of our essence.


We create an environment of credibility and commitment in which all parties involved feel comfortable working together, sharing information and making decisions.


Fulfilling our purpose makes us always go further in our relationships. We share our knowledge, methodologies and resources with clients and collaborators, promoting knowledge and collaboration networks.


We are disciplined and methodical. Our analysis is accurate and our recommendations are based on evidence. Thus, we contribute to the informed decision-making by our clients.

These values and the “Con Sentido” filter that we pass on to complex decision making allow us not to lose focus of our mission.

Our Ethics Conduct

Conese is made up of professionals who interact with other professionals, as partners, collaborators or clients, to make our mission a reality. The people, their behavior and decisions, are the key to our success.

The purpose of this Code is to establish the guidelines that should guide the behavior of the people who are part of Conese’s business activities.


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